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  • Writer's pictureMatthew Stefanovich

Essential Guide to Cleaning Gutter Drains

Gutter drains might not be the star of home maintenance, but they're superheroes when it comes to protecting your home from water damage. When leaves, dirt, and debris clog these vital pathways, it can spell trouble for your roof and foundation. Here's a simple guide to keeping your gutter drains clear and your home safe.

Start by gathering your tools: a sturdy ladder, work gloves, a garden trowel or scoop, a bucket or trash bag, and a garden hose with a spray nozzle. Clear the gutters of leaves and twigs, working your way along and disposing of the debris as you go.

Next, check the downspouts for any clogs. Use the trowel to clear any visible blockages near the top, and for deeper clogs, try a plumber's snake or a forceful stream of water from the hose.

Once the gutters are clear, flush them with water using the hose, starting at one end and working toward the downspout. Test the flow of water to ensure everything is clear and functioning properly.

Regular maintenance, ideally twice a year, will help prevent clogs and potential damage. Trim overhanging branches and consider gutter guards to minimize debris buildup. A little attention to your gutter drains goes a long way in protecting your home from costly repairs. So, grab your tools, climb that ladder, and give your gutters the care they need!

Gutter drain cleaning by fancywashingllc
Gutter drain cleaning by fancywashingllc

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